Empowering and equipping working parents to thrive.

Working mums are some of the hardest working people I know

However, finding harmony between yourself, your work, and your family isn’t easy. 

As a coach, speaker, and author my purpose is to create a space for working mums to self-actualise their lives and careers – helping them bring their whole selves to work, build their confidence and courage, put themselves forward for new opportunities, and be fulfilled in all aspects of their lives. 



Navigating the twin journeys of career and parenthood

From my first leadership role at 26, through to the experience of detouring in and out of the workforce as I grew my family, then finding myself as a single mother, I understand the reality of the struggle and the juggle.

I also firmly believe we can thrive throughout the journey of working parenthood. Not only is this important for our own fulfillment, it’s also how we ensure our organisations continue to build a pipeline of empowered, smart, female talent.


Striving for work-life integration and fulfillment

  • Leave


    A new baby’s on the way, and parental leave is looming. Whether you’re a first-time mum, an experienced mum, or a workplace looking to support a valuable team member, how do you make the transition out of the workplace as smooth as possible for everyone involved?

  • Return

    It’s time to return to the workplace after parental leave. Whether you’re a mum feeling nervous about juggling work and baby, or an organisation wanting to ensure you keep your great people, how do you ensure the return to work is successful?

  • Change

    At a certain point in their career, many woman seek change. Whether you’ve been in a role for a long time, feel like you’re stuck and want to progress, or ready to move in a different direction, how do you make that transition in a way that works for you, your family, and the future?

  • Lead

    Our organisations need more women in senior leadership roles. Whether you’re a working mum worried about balancing the extra responsibilities of leadership alongside family, or an organisation keen to give your senior leaders what they need, how can you be empowered to succeed?

It’s time to inspire working mums

I’m passionate about inspiring working mums to find fulfillment between their selves, their work, and their family. Whether you’re looking for an expert to speak intimately with your senior leadership team or an inspiring speaker to get people excited at your next conference, I’d love to be that person.


If you are a working mum, I’d love to help you thrive as you navigate work-life integration. If you are an organisation, I’d love to help you support your working mums.

Let’s have a conversation about how to make that happen.

Organisations I’ve worked with

  • kpmg